Business and Brand Support

Love what you see with Modern Energy Wellness and want support with your own online business?

Have big goals of building your own website, 1:1 services, online courses, or podcast? Having trouble knowing where to begin when it comes to websites, course and payment platforms, appointment scheduling systems, email and social media tools?

Requested from word-of-mouth referrals, Modern Energy Wellness Founder Kati VanLoo offers limited consulting containers to help kick-start your online presence and buildout so you can expand your reach and grow your business. With a background in 10+ years of digital marketing and more than 5 years of online business experience in running websites, evergreen courses, live virtual classes, 1:1 sessions, email marketing, podcasting, social media, and more, she’s been around the digital block.

If you’re interested in Business and Brand Support, please email your inquiry to to receive more information. We will review your needs and let you know availability to get started with a consultation call.